Lockers Lockers and More!

Lockers Lockers and More!

Posted on April 17, 2020

Messy locker clipart - Clip Art Library

Attention Students!

Do you have a locker full of stuff that got left behind? Is Mom missing her favorite Tupperware that you packed a lunch in so long ago? Maybe it’s that sweet set of school supplies you’ve been dying to use?

Well here’s your opportunity!

Starting next week you can pick up items from your locker between the times posted below. We will ask however that you follow the instructions that are posted on the front of the building.

-Respect the 6 foot distancing guidelines

-Use the intercom system at the door

-Remain on the taped line while we retrieve your things

-If there appears to be a large group waiting at the door, please stay in your car until they are done.


We will not be processing gym locker items at this time, this is for hallway lockers only.


Pick up times- Monday- Friday from 8:30-10:30 and 2:00-3:30


We love and miss all of you and your safety, as well as the safety of our staff, is our number one priority.